![]() Now that my children have flown the nest and I live in France there has been a huge gap in my life. I longed to have a dog. I decided to give a rescue dog a good home. I was initially looking for a Jack Russell like I used to have when I lived with my parents. (Many many years ago). Grammar school husband was not at all keen. He had never had a dog before, He reluctantly agreed, but set two conditions. He didn't want to travel back to the UK with a dog (we once saw a large Dalmatian on a Brittany Ferry sat in what used to be the back seat of a BMW spitting out seat lining.) And the dog would not be allowed upstairs. I agreed. ![]() The next week we visited the SPA in Mornac to view a Jack Russell which had just arrived. My husband didn't look keen and paced around with his hands in his pocket. The dog nearly bit his hand off and it didn't like the look of me. My husband literally ran to the car with a relieved look on his face. We were interrupted by my dear friend Jackie Butler who happens to be a dog walker there. I told her the Jack Russell wasn't for us and she asked if I'd seen the fox terrier she walks. I hadn't. My husband looked defeated, started walking like a monkey and followed us back in. ![]() Up a very small alley that I had missed, there was a scruffy ball of fur, his coat was so long you couldn't see his eyes. We took him for a walk and he was just irresistible. He even liked grammar school husband. A match! We picked him up the next week and took him straight to the poof parlour. When he came out we didn't recognise him, he went from brown to white. His eyes were like marbles and he looked so adorable. I'm sure he was smiling. It hasn't been all plain sailing. He's escaped twice. Used our breakfast room as a urinal. Peed on the pile of Living Magazines at The Bar in Gourville. He ate the tin of Christmas cheese biscuits my husband was looking forward to. He jumped down from the Bongo seat and nearly strangled himself with his seat belt. He had a Dirty Dancing moment when a dog attacked him in the village. My friend Steve Day lifted him high up into the air to stop Jackpott being bitten thus putting himself in danger. There are others too numerous to mention. Jackpott was abandoned the week before Christmas 2016. He was in the rescue home for five months before we adopted him. He's so affectionate and loves people and children, you can't imagine him living in a cage with just one walk a week. He has his own dog nest in most of the rooms of the house and has a comfortable life. There were 3 small presents for him under the Christmas tree this year, his ears pricked up when we all opened our presents on Christmas day. He was delighted with his tartan dicky bow, dog chocolates and meaty chews (which smelt disgusting). He had a boudin noir (black pudding) for lunch and slept all afternoon. Merry Christmas Jackpott and have a wonderful 2018 chez nous.
AuthorI'm just a Welsh girl living in France- with an uncontrollable writing habit!!!!! Archives
October 2024
CategoriesFrench life, French living, Joiedevivre, French garden, gardening, gardens, vegetarian, Brocantes, Charente, expats, chic lifestyle, cooking, cook at home, recipes, writer, writers life, writing tips, new writers, French produce, simple life, simple living, living the dream, loving my life, low stress, peaceful living, books, book reviews, author reviews, slow living, writer life, I love writing, women who write, fox terriers, I love my dog, adopt don't buy, happy lifestyle, book lover, recipe books, my home, our house, living a first class life, living well, better with age, live well, Brocantes in Charente, antiques, country lifestyle, country living, life changes, renovations in France, chicblog, chic at home, Spring, winter, Autumn, summer, Christmas, blogging, French blogs, writer life, author life, Paris girl, Angouleme, Paris, I love reading, reading, French style, dog lover, dog, terrier, too cute, cook at home, two chic girls, home baking, preserves, French markets, Christmas markets, furniture French style, Limoges China, French shelves, armoires, French mirrors, French lifestyle, French home cooking, living in style, expat radio, rural French life, potager, French bloggers, bloggers